What to Expect from Caduceus Meetings in Streeterville?
Compared to other 12-step meetings, caduceus meetings in Streeterville, or any other place for that matter, are typically less formal. This less structured format encourages open, genuine sharing among peers, which can be therapeutic and validating for attendees. If you have already found a group or treatment center, here are other things you can expect in caduceus meetings in Streeterville:
Caduceus meetings are usually facilitated by licensed specialists or certified counselors. The facilitators, with their expertise and experience, help the members stay on track and true to their recovery goals. Under their guidance, the meetings must foster a commitment to recovery through meaningful discussions.
On top of the guidance from professional clinicians or facilitators, you can also find other helpful resources in caduceus meetings or groups. This could be in the form of practical tools like books. It could also be the other members who can provide helpful insights or keep you on track and accountable for your actions.
Caduceus meetings in Streeterville, like other meetings of this nature, happen at a specific time on specific days. These are structured meetings which means that topics and activities are usually set beforehand.
These meetings are typically considered closed meetings since they specifically cater to healthcare professionals with substance dependency and other related issues. In closed meetings, members can openly share their stories knowing that everyone in the meeting gets it. Moreover, these meetings are confidential which allows members to feel more comfortable and safe to navigate their struggles with the group.
First and foremost, caduceus meetings must promote the building of a safe and inclusive community for the members. The members become trusted peers who make you feel seen and understood. After all, they are going through similar things – from the substance struggles down to the pressure-filled work environment.
You will get a different kind of support from the caduceus group members compared to the support from family and friends. This invaluable community can support you through the challenges of recovery through an exchange of stories, insights, coping strategies, and more.
Keep in mind that while caduceus groups ultimately have similar goals, the way they run meetings may vary. This is why it’s best to have a clear grasp of your goals and an understanding of expectations. This way, it will be easier to find a caduceus group that’s right for you.
Who can attend a caduceus group meeting?
A caduceus meeting is organized specifically for impaired healthcare professionals in recovery. This includes those grappling with chemical dependency, psychological disorders, behavioral issues, and similar problems that keep them from effectively practicing their professional skills.
Are Caduceus meetings the same as AA meetings?
No, caduceus meetings are not the same as AA meetings. AA meetings are targeted on individuals who have a ‘desire to stop drinking alcohol’. Caduceus meetings focus more on helping healthcare professionals in their recovery from alcohol and other chemical dependencies, mental health problems and other similar issues.
Is it free to join Caduceus groups?
Yes. Caduceus groups generally do not collect any fees. However, caduceus meetings hosted by treatment centers may have corresponding fees. In general, such meetings are included in the treatment and recovery program, so an additional fee may not be collected at all.
Professional Help and Supportive Community at Positive Sobriety
We, at Positive Sobriety Institute, understand how having a community of people who truly understand your struggles can be crucial for long-term sobriety. Hence, our highly qualified clinical team has developed programs for impaired professionals like physicians, dentists, lawyers, executives and athletes. We are committed to preserving our patients’ licenses and reputations as we work with them toward lifelong sobriety.
We have incorporated caduceus meetings and similar counseling and therapy sessions as an integral aspect of the recovery and aftercare plan. So, if you are looking for caduceus meetings in Streeterville or other areas in Chicago, Positive Sobriety is here for you. Request a FREE consultation with our specialists today!