Various health conditions call for prescription medication. Unfortunately, some prescription drugs are misused leading to dependence, substance use disorders (SUDs), and even death. In the United States, up to 16.3 million individuals are reported to misuse prescription drugs every year. These shocking statistics show just how serious and widespread prescription drug misuse is.
What is Prescription Drug Abuse?
Prescription drug abuse encompasses the following:
- Taking the medication longer than prescribed
- Taking doses larger than instructed
- Using drugs in a manner other than directed
- Using drugs not prescribed to you
- Taking drugs in combination with other substances
In most cases, prescription drug abuse starts from legitimate prescription and use. As with other substances, continuous misuse can eventually alter how the brain works. This can lead to problematic consequences including the inability to control urges, various health issues, and work and relationship problems.
Risk Factors
Substance use problems, including prescription drug misuse, can affect anyone. However, certain risk factors can make you more susceptible to it.
- Genetics. Studies have shown that a person’s genetic makeup plays around 50% of a person’s risk of developing drug dependence.
- Age. Young adults are more likely to experiment with illicit substances mostly due to peer pressure.
- History of Substance Misuse. People who are known to misuse substances like alcohol and other recreational drugs are more prone to prescription drug abuse.
- Mental Health Issues. People with mental health issues usually take prescription medications. Unfortunately, drugs prescribed for one condition can lead to abuse due to another mental health condition.
- Access. Those who live with people with prescription medication or in locations where illicit drugs are readily available are more at risk of misuse.
- Social Circle. If you have friends who misuse drugs, you are more likely to follow suit. This is also true if you work in industries where substance use is deemed ‘normal’.
Signs and Symptoms
Signs of misuse may vary depending on the prescription drug involved. Here are some of the common signs and symptoms that someone has a prescription drug use problem:
- Requiring higher doses to achieve the desired effect
- Continued use despite negative effects
- Running out of prescriptions too early
- Obsessing over where to get your next fix
- Resorting to buying prescription drugs on the street
- Experiencing other symptoms depending on the drug such as:
- Opioids: dizziness, slurred speech, shallow breathing, anxiety, vomiting
- CNS depressants: slow reflexes, slurred speech, poor judgment, concentration and memory problems, mood swings
- Stimulants: headache, insomnia, loss of appetite, blood pressure spike, paranoia
Consequences of Prescription Drug Misuse
Using prescription drugs in ways other than their intended use can lead to a host of problems – from uncomfortable physiological changes to more serious things including death.
Consequences like slowed breathing, dizziness, and even mood swings are expected side effects that are usually managed by your medical team. When such effects are experienced while misusing prescription drugs, the inability to deal with them properly can lead to more serious consequences.
Continuous misuse of prescription drugs can also lead to the following:
- Physical dependence due to increased tolerance
- Compulsive behavior
- Legal problems due to poor judgment
- Poor work or academic performance
- Relationship troubles
- Financial problems
Most Commonly Misused Prescription Drugs
Prescription drug abuse can involve different drugs but authorities have identified the following as the most commonly misused ones:
- Painkillers (Opioids). The use of opioids as painkillers for long periods can lead to dependence. Using these drugs with other substances like alcohol and barbiturates can lead to extreme breathing problems or even death. Opioid painkillers include codeine, morphine, hydrocodone (Vicodin and Percocet), and oxycodone (OxyContin)
- Depressants. These prescription drugs for anxiety and sleep disorders slow down brain activity which leaves you feeling calm and drowsy. Using them with alcohol can cause a dangerously slow heartbeat and even death. Stopping use abruptly after long-term intake can lead to life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. Depressants include benzodiazepines (Xanax and Valium) and barbiturates (Amital, Nembutal, Luminal).
Stimulants. These are used for different conditions including ADHD, ADD, depression and narcolepsy. These drugs essentially jumpstart the body which causes elevated heart rate and blood pressure. High doses and misuse can cause dangerously high body temperature and uneven heartbeat. Stimulants include methylphenidate (Ritalin), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) and a mix of both (Adderall).
How to Prevent Prescription Drug Misuse and Dependence
Prescription drugs can be crucial inclusions in treatment plans for certain health conditions. If you are taking a prescription drug or know someone who takes them, here are some precautionary measures to keep in mind:
- Check with Your Healthcare Provider
Make sure to disclose all medications and other substances you are taking to your doctor. If available, request alternative medication with a lower risk for addiction. Talk to your healthcare provider regularly to monitor your intake and the drug’s effects.
- Strictly Adhere to the Prescription
Carefully follow intake instructions. Make sure that you’re taking the right dosage at the right intervals. Never change the dosage or stop the medication without consulting your doctor.
- Stay Informed
Take the time to ask your healthcare provider about the effects of your medication so you know what to expect. Make sure to learn which drugs or substances you can or cannot take along with your prescription.
- Don’t Use Others’ Prescription Medication
Never use someone else’s medication even if you may have the same condition. Prescriptions may vary depending on different factors such as co-occurring illnesses, health history, and more.
- Store and Dispose of Properly
Keep your medication in a safe place and keep track of the quantities. Dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs properly by checking disposal instructions or asking your healthcare provider.
What are the most commonly misused prescription drugs?
Most commonly misused prescription drugs include: painkillers such as morphine, codeine, oxycodone and hydrocodone (Vicodin); CNS depressants such as diazepam (Valium), pentobarbital sodium and alprazolam (Xanax); and stimulants such as amphetamine/dextroamphetamine (Concerta, Adderall) and methylphenidate (Ritalin).
Why do people abuse prescription drugs?
Many people end up with prescription drug dependence because they self-medicate for pain management or weight loss. Others, especially younger people, misuse prescription drugs out of curiosity, peer pressure or desire to study more effectively. Some simply want to get high.
Why is prescription drug abuse on the rise in teens?
The rise in numbers is mainly attributed by experts to the availability of the drugs. Teens can easily take the prescribed medications of their parents and experiment with their friends. Some easily get prescription drugs from online pharmacies.
Get Help and Take Back Control with Positive Sobriety Institute
Prescription drug dependence and addiction can have serious and life-threatening consequences. Fortunately, these can be avoided through self-discipline and proper prescription drug management. In case you do lose control, make sure to seek professional help immediately.
We, at Positive Sobriety Institute, understand that drug dependence and addiction are not black and white. Our team of board-certified experts makes it a point to conduct thorough assessments to create the most appropriate treatment plan. Our addiction treatment facility in Chicago is fully equipped to provide the best care for our clients. Let us help you or your loved one in your recovery journey. Call us and request a FREE consultation today!